Kellarihumppa (basement boogie)
Kellarihumppa (Basement boogie) has become a traditional event that is organized during Wappu at Bommari. The idea is to dance humppa and the participants dress in their most faded summer dresses and/or in their most tasteless neckties. People get to show their skills in Bommari with live music.

Ei Tipu -party and Joo Pupu -sits
No Tipu party is celebrated in the spring near Easter. The party is Easter-themed bar party where the YKI band likes to perform. In 2019, sits preparty or Joo Pupu -sits, was held for the first time before the bar party. The sitsis are also easter-themed, so you can find Finnish Easter treats like mämmi in the servings.

In the fall, the season of pre-Christmas parties is opened by arranging Porobleet. The event is organized in a teekkarisauna and the evening includes rice porridge, mulled wine, sauna and live music.

The Kesätappo is a cottage weekend for YKI’s members in the middle of the summer. At the event, guild members can exchange summer news while enjoying sauna, playing yard games and enjoying the summer.
Autumn trips
Every autumn, YKI organises two autumn trips. Autumn trip 1.0 is a daytime trip to the wild nature of Tampere. In autumn 2016, autumn trip 2.0 was arranged for the first time. Autumn trip 2.0 is an overnight trip and slightly more challenging version of the traditional autumn trip.

Simulation sits
In the autumn YKI organises traditional simulation sits in Bommari. These sits aim to simulate the theme, which is why sits often differ from the basic sits. The theme of simulation sits has ranged from simulating excus to simulating reality television.
Anniversary party
Every year the guild also arranges an anniversary party to which one can dress finely or according to the theme of the year. The anniversary party is more sophisticated and bigger than the regular sits.

YKI’s LAN-party
YKI also arranges LAN-parties. In these events all kinds of games are played and there surely is something for everyone! We have organized our “YKI-lanit” for over 20 times and there is no end in sight. For a whole weekend we gather to the same classroom known as “laniluokka” with our computers and energy drinks. Popular games include classic LAN-party games such as CS:GO but also party games and board games. We also always have a dance mat with us!
With the Ympäristöteekkaripäivä it is possible to become acquainted with the environment students of technology of the whole of Finland. The event includes the official part in which you become acquainted with the companies of the field and have workshops and a more unofficial part to which sits and the becoming acquainted with other students of the field belong. YKI participates in the event every year and every Ympäristöteekkari guild will keep them in its turn. There are Ympäristöteekkaris in Oulu, Tampere, Otaniemi and lappeen Ranta.

Study events
YKI organizes various study-related activities, such as regular study circles, study, dean, and student representative coffee meetings, as well as the MegaStudyEvent.
At the coffee meetings, participants have the opportunity to discuss current topics with representatives from different parties.
The MegaStudyEvent includes, for example, workshops, speeches from alumni, and often also a sauna opportunity.
Excursio, in other words excu is a group trip to different companies in which a guild and study field is brought to the knowledge of the future employers. However excursios are not only serios, but also fun!
Traditionally Excus are organized twice a year. Fuksiexcu arranged in the late fall is only for freshmen (and of course to the tutors) according to its name. During this excu the guild’s youngest ones are taught what excursios are in practice. Participation to the fuksiexcu has generally been free.
The tough excursion that is arranged in the spring is open to all the members of the guild. During the at least three-day excursion one does not only acquaint with the companies but with the acquaintance guilds of other technical universities of for example lappeen Ranta or Otaniemi. Some of the examples of the acquainted targets during the last few years are oil refineries, different power plants and waste water purification plants.
Other events
The sauna evenings are arranged with the freshmen activities but all students are welcomed. The sauna evenings are organized after the overalls have arrived and the Kaste in Wappu. There might be also food and possibility to play Herwantapeli (only in Hervanta).