Student representatives
Student representatives (also known as Hallopeds) are students who represent all students in different parts of the university’s administration. The work of student representatives is very important as they pass on students’ opinions, feedback and development ideas.
The student union appoints student representatives to the Consistory, the Education Council and the Faculty Councils, for example. Any member of the student union can apply to be a Halloped in open applications. In addition, guilds, subject organizations, and faculty organizations appoint student representatives to different task forces on a faculty level.
You can read more about student representatives on TREY’s website
YKI currently has seven hallopeds. Hallopeds can be reached by email or via Telegram. Hallopeds’ responsibilities are intersecting so you can contact anyone of us regardless of the issue and we will point you in the right direction. You can also speak to the study sector of YKI and we will deliver your message to the representatives.

Teemu Viitanen

Peppi Pitkänen

Peppi Kokkonen

Sara Nieminen

Tommi Paavola

Taneli Väänänen

Tommi Riihinen
Course feedback
YKI has own course feedback form, which is maintained by student representatives (hallopeds). You can leave feedback via the form or the feedback box in the guild. Hallopeds pass the feedback to the right people. Your feedback does not necessarily need to be of a specific course: you can also leave feedback on teacher tutoring and thesis supervision in the course feedback form and box. The course feedback box can be found on the guild room notice board.
Here is the link to the feedback form