We hope that all YKI graduates remain connected to the guild. YKI organizes annual meetings for the alumni, where people can get together with their old university friends and reminisce the good old days. These events include a picnic during the teekkari dipping and some other event such as alumni sitsis.
The alumni will also be invited to the guild’s Anniversary Gala. In addition, we need alumni at an annual sauna evening, where graduates from our study program tell the students about their studies and their work assignments. We also might contact with the alumni while organizing excursions or promoting the Anniversary Gala.
The guild keeps in touch with the alumni through the alumni mailing list yki-alumni(a)lists.tuni.fi, to which joining is completely free. The mailing list can be used by the alumni themselves for example when organizing events. You can join the mailing list by contacting the alumni officer or communications representative. YKI alumni are also on Facebook

YKI’s alumni matters are managed by YEDI ry, an alumni organization for YKI alumni. YEDI acts as a link to all YKI graduates by uniting alumni and other people interested in environmental and energy engineering by organizing many kinds of activities. Joining YEDI is possible through their website. If you want to join YEDI’s Telegram group, please be in touch with the alumni officer.
If you want to support YKI, you can join YKI as a support member. This membership is 20 € per year.
If you have any questions regarding YKI’s alumni matters, you can contact the alumni officer of YKI.