
You have found your way to the website of Ympäristöteekkarikilta, nice to meet you! Ympäristöteekkarikilta or YKI, is a guild for everyone Ympäristöteekkarikilta ry (YKI) is the subject association of Environmental and Energy Engineering at Tampere University. Ympäristöteekkarikilta was founded in 1996. It is rooted in the legendary Eroosio founded in 1993, which was the environmental club of Tampere technical students. The guild’s age is traditionally calculated from this year. The guilds over 300 members consist mainly of technical students from the Environmental and Energy engineering study program. We are connected by our willingness to act as technological embassadors for a more sustainable society.

Do you remember the time that…. is a form for documenting legendary incidents and events. Reporting incidents makes it easier to preserve the history of the guild for future generations of teekkaries.


Team application!

Application is open for event, brand, international, sports and well-being and study-teams! Don’t hesitate to show your interest in teams here!

Indikaattori 2/2024 is out!

Join us!

Join YKI by filling out this form.