The members of YKI are students of the Environmental and Energy Technology degree program under the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (ENS).
Study counsellor and education specialist
If you have any questions about your personal study plan (PSP), course choices or any other study-related matter, you can contact the education specialist, Anna Haapamäki, of our degree program. Anna can be found on the second floor of Konetalo from the room K2245. You can also contact by email
YKI’s students can also ask help from YKI’s study counsellor. The study counsellor is a part-time student working at the faculty. Currently, YKI’s study counsellor is Heini Pitkäranta. You can contact Heini by email You can ask help from study counsellor if you have problems related to SISU, timing of studies, selecting a minor or making your PSP in general. You can find Heini from Konetalo K2204 on Mondays at 13-16, in Hiukkanen’s guild room on Tuesdays at 9-11 and in YKI’s guild room on Thursdays at 9-11.
You can also book a personal appointment either for academic officer or student counsellor from this form.

Student councellor

Academic officer
The exam archive
YKI has both electronic. The electronic exam archive can be found here There you can find exams to several courses. Exams can be returned to the guildroom into the exam return pocket next to the computer or via e-mail to Question summaries from Exam exams are also welcome!
Guild’s study activities
Study sector organizes different coffee events, such as dean coffees, study coffees and student representative coffees. At dean coffees, students get to discuss with the dean and vice dean of education of our faculty, and at study coffees there are the teacher of our programme. Student representative coffees are an event where YKI’s student representatives are present
The guild also coordinates YKI’s student representatives. Student representatives can also be called hallopeds. You can read more about our hallopeds from “Studying > promotion of interests”
Teacher tutors
Teacher tutoring focuses on the bachelor’s degree, and it starts in the first year, when the goal is to get to know the teachers. In the second year you will be divided into groups based on your major. You will continue meeting in these same groups till the end of your bachelor’s degree.
The group will meet two to four times annually, and you can also arrange a personal meeting with your own teacher.